Speak with a Travel Consultant


October 2023

By Steve Orens, Senior Vice President, FROSCH

I’ve been to India four times, and that’s four times more than I thought I would ever visit the country. Four times is also the most times I have visited any country aside from the country I live in. How did that happen? While India was always a “yeah maybe one day” destination for me, I had the opportunity to visit with a travel industry group for the first time.

India sunset; Indian men; Steve with elephant in India; Meditation in India

When I landed in India for my first time, I was worried a bit. I had heard about the poverty, concerns about food and water, and a host of other things. After a few days, I was more relaxed and less concerned, but still cautious and aware. Each time I’ve returned to India, that relaxed feeling came sooner to my arrival than the previous time. During my recent visit, that feeling came as I arrived at my first hotel the very first day. I felt, “wow, it’s good to be back.” Each trip I went with a group, but each time I also added on more time in India on my own without the group.

Woman throwing petals; Street in India; Steve Orens at The Leela

I realized recently that one of the things I like about being with a small group in India is the shared experiences and concerns. It’s nice to have a group of people all experiencing the same things together, it draws comfort and camaraderie. You’re there for each other, even if you’ve just met. Connections build quickly when you’re traveling. There are several great travel suppliers we work with that offer small group trips. And then you can add a few days on at the end to explore a different part of India.

Steve with parasol and elephant in India; Indian woman; Indian man

People ask, how’s the poverty? Well, it is there, and you will see it. I’m sure you also see poverty in other areas, including your own city. However, what I have noticed is it’s different than you would think. I am concerned I can’t put this in words as respectfully as I mean, but there seems to be a different feeling in India. Many believe that the current life/situation of an individual and how well that life is lived will provide a better place in the next life.

Let’s talk food. On my last trip there were 20 of us, and in two weeks no one, yes no one, got sick. The food in India is great, you just can’t land and have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Take your time to enjoy it and don’t overload with spices right away. The five-star hotels all have systems and processes to ensure they are serving the safest food and water. But just be wise about what you do, what you eat, and always wash your hands.

Steve's photos from India

India definitely engages all your senses in the most amazing ways. I urge you to consider, or reconsider, traveling to India. Pricing is great, service is great, and the experience is fantastic! There’s so much to see, do, and experience. But India is definitely a destination to visit when you’re ready. Please take a look at some of my pictures from my last trip, enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions or want to see more photos!

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